About Us
About Onlinechatmeeting.com, your free chat
Onlinechatmeeting.com is a social chat portal, focused on offering communication services between people on the Internet. To achieve our goal, Onlinechatmeeting.com has a social network with personal profiles and a system of free chat based on an IRC network (chat) on the Internet allowing communication services in real time, integrating these services with our Social Network Web offering a versatile and scalable service. The free chat network
Why Onlinechatmeeting.com?
Onlinechatmeeting.com has a free chat network, but it is not only an IRC network, it offers a multitude of services added, our objective is the development and maintenance of a social network focused on chat communities, what we could call chat 2.0, so We offer a much more modern and complete service than other IRC networks. We have more than 9 years of experience in the exploitation, development and management of chat sites based on the IRC protocol, as well as other web portals on the internet, which endorses our experience and allows us to provide you with a quality service. In addition we have our own team that maintains our services and develops its own software according to the needs of our users and clients. The effort we are currently focusing on offering our services on all mobile platforms, as well as our webs, webchats, clients or service bots are a sample of this. And if you have a portal on the internet we can offer you a totally personalized webchat with multiple moderated rooms at all times by our team, without having to worry at any time for the management of the chat.